Hey, GECHS/EC parents!!
We're looking for positive, enthusiastic, well-written stories and articles to post to The Eagle Eye. And your student's talents would be greatly received!
Need something for them to do on Galveston's "Snow Day?" Have them write about their favorite class or teacher. Or what the GECHS Core Values mean to them. Or what it's like to be a middle-schooler at an Early College High School. Submissions should be at least three paragraphs long and succinct enough to keep the readers' interest. Photos are great, too. Stories must be submitted in electronic form and can be emailed to GECPTO @ gmail.com.
Encourage your student to submit a story or two. What a great way for them to share their GECHS experience in their own words!
Thanks, and get blogging, Eagles!!
All submissions are subject to return for editing. Participation is voluntary and does not affect or apply to your child's academic standing. Refusal rights apply.
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